Being a parent of a teenager that is planning to go to college is difficult. Where will your child go to school? How will you pay for college? How do you know you are picking the correct college? There are a lot of variables that go into making sure your child has a great college experience. This blog is here to help you answer some of those questions.

Planning for College
It takes time to plan and prepare for college. With your student trying to create the best resume (grades, extra-curricular, and community service) possible to ensure college admissions and a good financial aid package, time seems to get lost. Parents also seem to lose time with being supporting parents and also taking care of the house hold. It is easy to overlook parts of the process with everything going on. This blog will break down the process, give you tips, and create a place for parents to have conversations to learn from each other.
Sharing the Knowledge
If you can think of any parents that would benefit from reading this blog, please forward them the link to subscribe to receive the newsletter and new blogs. I would love to reach as many people as possible to help families get ready for college. With that being said, I am excited to be opening up off the court programming to all student-athletes, not only the ones that work out with me. Student-athletes that play any sport or even basketball players that train with other trainers or do not have a trainer can now attend college prep meetings. To learn more about college prep meetings, you can click HERE.